Monday, January 20, 2014

The Hexagon upon Anu

HOLYTABS CHAP:6:TAB:4:34 "The hexagon and thus the 6 pointed star are symbolic of ANU'S protection: I seek refuge in ANU from the cursed, Shaytun."

Ur III Sumerian cuneiform for An

Friday, January 10, 2014

The End of Darkness

The study of  the movement of stars has shown that the universe is expanding at an alarming rate and that all mass is actually steadily increasing in speed by an unknown force (possibly dark energy). Eventually all mass will move faster than the speed of light completely eliminating darkness and disabling time in the linear sense. At that point most likely a massive sexual copulation will occur with a similar universe who's also experiencing expansion to the point of pure light resulting in a "big bang" aka a galactic sexual orgasm.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Supreme Light and the creation of our universe.

Although it appears so, the foundational underlying principle of time cannot be a linear construct because within the linear equation of time [A>B] there is “now” of which had no beginning nor has an end. Therefore time to be ‘created’ must be rooted in a quantum, multidimensional, physical paradigm merging with a superior, guiding ‘intelligent’ energy such as the ‘supreme light', the theoretical 'tachyon energy' which is everywhere existing 'without darkness' before the big bang; a climatic orgasm of unimaginative magnitude cause by the copulation of two (or possibly more) universe sized supreme light 'membranes'. This sexual, climatic ejaculation created this, our universe, the lesser light (reflective electromagnetic energy) and darkness (a void). 

Make no mistake, we all are products of this sexual energy and it is from supreme light from which we came and it will be supreme light to which we will return.